Saturday, December 22, 2018

DB Reviews- The Mule

Poster from IMDB

Hello everyone! Welcome to my review of The Mule, the newest film from director (and star of said film) Clint Eastwood! WARNING: THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW! If you don't want to be spoiled, then please go see the film before you continue reading! 

This film is inspired by true events. In the film, Eastwood (of Dirty Harry and Unforgettable fame) plays a Korean War vet and horticulturist named Earl Stone. He's estranged from his family and desperate for money. So, he becomes a "mule" (a person that transports drugs from one location to another) for a cartel from Mexico. Hot on his heels is Colin Bates (played by Bradley Cooper), a DEA agent set out to bust the cartel for drug dealing! 

Clint Eastwood is a legend in Hollywood! Even though his character got mixed up with some bad people, I like him. I thought Eastwood did a great job handling the emotional scenes in the film, like the one where his character's wife dies from cancer. Also, I like his insult comebacks! Those were clever! Plus, his advice to Cooper's character was good and should be used in the real world! Will he get an Oscar nomination for Best Actor? We will have to see! He uses the money he gets in a Robin Hood way, by giving it to the people and places that need it most. In a way, he touched other people's lives, like George Bailey from "It's A Wonderful Life". 

Bradley Cooper plays Colin Bates, a DEA agent that was based off the real DEA agent in the true events that inspired this movie. I think he did an OK job in the role. I felt that the scene where he and Eastwood's character had the chat where Eastwood's character offered him advice was a good scene that helped us learn more about his character. We need more scenes like that in movies. 

I like Eastwood as a director too! He did a good job directing Sully. I think his work on Sully was better then this film, but he does know his stuff! 

The story was OK. I don't know much about what actually happened, so I can't say if the writing was on point or not. The film was a bit slow and I do think Eastwood needed to add some sort of scene where his character shoots the bad guys. He is known for doing that in his westerns. 

So, overall, I'd give this film 3 AND 1/2 STARS! I also like the song choices in the film, especially "I've Been Everywhere, Man!" from Johnny Cash! I think that song definitely suits Eastwood's character well, since he's been almost everywhere around the USA! Thanks for reading! 

If you want to use any of what I say in this review for any trailers or TV ads for this movie, you may do so! By the way, Laurence Fishburn was in this movie too as the lead DEA agent in charge! 

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