Saturday, November 17, 2018

DB Reviews- Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Poster from IMDB

Hello, my fellow wizards! It's me, DB and after a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG time, I'm back with another movie review! This time, I review the newest Wizarding World flick Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald! WARNING! THERE WILL BE SPOILERS! SO, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED, THEN PLEASE SEE THIS MOVIE BEFORE READING THIS REVIEW!

In the movie, Newt and his friends must deal with Gellert Grindelwald, who has escaped custody to offer "freedom" to the Wizarding World! Newt also tries to rekindle his relationship with Tina, while Tina looks for a boy named Credence, who is essantial to Grindelwald's plans!

Eddie Redmayne returns as Newt. I think he was a good choice for the role. He portrayed the characters actions and emotions very well. We could easily tell what he was doing in each scene thanks to his acting.

Zoe Kravitz, the daughter of rocker Lenny Kravitz, reprises her role as Leta Lastrange. She was a cameo in the previous film, but she got much more screen time this time around. She's the Bellatrix to Grindelwald! As far as the acting, I think Ms. Kravitz could use a bit more work.

Jude Law protrays Albus Dumbledore, a younger version of the headmaster we're accustomed too in the Potter films. I thought he was OK in this role, but he wasn't quite as good as Michael Gambon was in the Potter films.

Johnny Depp protrayed Gellert Grindelwald in this film. I am definitly a Depp fan! To me, he's one of those not so many actors that can really adapt to his role in any movie! This role was definitely a darker one for him compared to his Capt. Jack Sparrow role in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. I thought he made a great villain in this film! Could he get a nomination for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar? Possibly! Grindelwald was previously mentioned in the Potter series, but I think Depp did a great job in bringing this villain to the silver screen!

I liked the story, but what I really liked was all the nods to the Potter franchise! Nicolas Flemel, the creator of The Sorcerer's/Philospher's Stone, made an appearance (played by Brontis Jodorowsky), as well as the stone itself! I thought the set where Grindelwald and his followers met also appeared in one of the Potter films. Also, we made a return trip to Hogwarts, a place we haven't seen since Deathly Hollows Part 2! The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom made a return, albeit with Dumbledore teaching (since this movie took place prior to the events of the Potter films). I think the Potions classroom returned too, along with The Great Hall!

The special effects were FANTASTIC, definitely up to par with the Potter films and the 1st film in this franchise!

Like I said, I liked the story. It expanded the Wizarding World to Paris, France (which got an earlier release date for the movie, November 8th). J.K. Rowling, you are a fantastic storyteller!

Overall, I give this film 5 OUT OF 5 WANDS! I will definitely be buying it when it comes to digital or Blu-Ray, whichever I choose! Thanks for reading!

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