Saturday, December 24, 2016

DB Reviews- Suicide Squad

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Hello! It's me, DB and I welcome you to my latest movie review! Today, I bring you my review of Suicide Squad, the movie about a group of bad guys that have to save the world that's out on DVD/Blu-Ray now! This review does contain spoilers, so if you don't want to be spoiled, please stop reading and go see it. 

However, I don't recommend that you see this film and for a few good reasons. First, it's a movie about a group of bad guys from the DC Universe. I felt that some of the bad guys here didn't get much screen time, like Killer Croc. That could be a good thing in my opinion. 

Second, this movie contains a lot of swear words! Personally, I don't like swear words at all! I know that people are free to use swear words as a right to free speech, but I don't like them! I would rather use other words to get out what I'm trying to say. 

Third, the lighting. I think the special effects folks need to tone it down. I think there could be some problems for people watching this movie with the lighting. 

Fourth, Jarod Leto's Joker character.  I think Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson still take the cake when it comes to portraying the classic Batman villain. Jarod was crazy, but not Ledger or Jack crazy. 

On the flip side, however, there are some things from this movie that I would like to mention. 

First, I thought that Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn was pretty good. I could see fans flocking into theaters to see her in a solo film. Mrs. Robbie had the Harley lingo down to a tee, saying words that Harley would say, like "puddin". Yes, she even had the classic mallet and the checkerboard outfit, but only for 1 scene each. Would I see a solo Harley Quinn film? Probably not, but I could see it becoming a cult classic with other DC fans. I would put Harley in my Top 10 Infamous Sidekick/Henchperson list. 

Second was the gore. I liked that there was little gore in this film. The comic book Squad that this film was based off of had tons of gore, especially when Captain Boomerang (who came up with that name?) threw his boomerang at people. This film, however, stuck mainly to action without all that blood. I'm not a gore fan at all, which is why I don't like horror movies. This movie is kinda horror, but it's not like a Friday the 13th type of movie. 

Finally, I think Enchantress would make a legit DC Universe villain. To me, she was a crazy version of Voldemort, though I like Voldemort better then I like Enchantress. To me, the scenes with the Enchantress looked more like Ghostbusters then DCU and I like Ghostbusters. 

That's my review of Suicide Squad. Overall, I give it 1 star and I don't give out 1 star ratings all that much. Thanks for reading! 

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