Monday, December 26, 2016

DB Reviews- Passengers

Poster from Pinterest

Hello everyone! It's me, DB, and I'm back with another review! Today, I give you my review of the new film Passengers starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt. This review will contain spoilers, so if you don't want to be spoiled, then please stop reading and go see the film. Then, you can continue to read my review. 

Passengers is a love story that takes place in space. The story tells of a young engineer named Jim (Pratt), who is woken up from hibernation after a ship he travels in hits an asteroid field. He, along with 4,999 passengers, was supposed to go on a 120 year journey to Homecrest II, a planet similar to Earth. However, he wakes up with 90 years to go on the voyage. He then later wakes up a young author named Aurora (Lawrence) and they experience love while trying to figure out why they woke up early. 

I liked the way the story was written. I think that the writers made some memorable lines from the film. It was also easy to follow and to me, that makes a good story. There was drama, a bit of comedy, and some good action in the story. 

I also like the Avalon, the ship where the two main characters were traveling on. The ship itself reminded me of Star Trek, with the automatic doors and the voice recognition (the characters could tell the computer what to do).  I sensed a little bit of Wall-E too in the ship. I say that because the ship was like a cruise liner, offering daily activities, a full bar and even swimming, just like the ship in the Wall-E film. 

I thought Pratt did good as Jim. He did a good job portraying the character in different situations. However, I felt that his character didn't handle the situation where Aurura found out that Jim woke her up.  Other then that, he did fine. 

Michael Sheen's bartender android is probably the wisest of the bunch. I think that some of his lines in the film could be the most memorable. Also, he served coffee in a bar, something that I think is unusual in a bar like scene. Most of the time, you would see people drinking alcohol or throwing fists. I don't like either coffee or alcohol myself. 

Jennifer Lawrence's Aurora was OK. Just don't take away her life, or she will get MAD! I thought Lawrence's anger was good when it was needed. A bit over dramatic, but still good. The same thing could be said for her compassion towards Pratt's character. 

Lawrence Fishburn also had a role in this film, but his character didn't get much screen time. 

Also, I noticed that there weren't many extras in this film, just Jim, Aurura, the bartender and Fishburn. That to me was a bit odd, though I do think the studio did save some money this way. 

Overall, I give this film 3 1/2 stars. I thought the story was well written, the acting was good and the action at the end of the movie was up my alley! My review: A LOVE STORY THAT BLENDS STAR TREK AND WALL-E! 3 1/2 STARS! Thanks for reading! 

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