Wednesday, December 21, 2016

DB Reviews- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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Hello again, everyone! It's me, DB, and It's time for my review of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story! This review does contain spoilers, so if you don't want to be spoiled yet, don't read this until you see the movie first, then you can read this! 

This film is basically a set up for Episode 4 of the main series. It focuses on the Death Star, Star Wars (and motion picture's) most famous destroyer of planets! It tells the tale of how a group of Rebels were able to retrieve the Death Star's plans, noting that this planet destroyer has a weakness designed by Galen Erso, the father of Jyn Erso, the main character of this movie. Galen designed the Death Star before he left the Empire, but he was forced to come back and make sure the super weapon was completed. 

I thought the story was good. I liked how the writers were able to bring hints of Episode 4 and future episodes of the franchise into Rogue One. For example, they brought the AT-AT, which are battle droids that we would see in Hoth in Episode 5 (The Empire Strikes Back). It also brought us some cool, but deadly battles. 

The characters were OK in this film. I liked the fact that they brought a character from the Clone Wars animated series to this film. His name is Saw Gerrera, played by Forest Whitaker. Whitaker will revise this role in voice form for an upcoming episode of the latest Star Wars animated series, Rebels. 

Felicity Jones did good as Jyn. Diego Luna was OK as was Whitaker. 

James Earl Jones still rocks the Vader voice! Heck, I think he rocks any character with that voice of his, just ask Mufasa! He has a great, low, deep sound to his voice, which is a nessesary thing for Lord Vader's character. The new guy under the Vader mask did good too on screen. 

The action was amazing! I felt the cliamatic battle between the Rebels and the Empire was the best battle in the Star Wars saga EVER! This battle must've cost a ton of money to make, but they pulled it off without a hitch! BEST BATTLE EVER! The goal during this epic battle was to get the Death Star plans out of the Empire's hands. I'd say goal achieved! 

Plus, C-3PO and R2-D2 made a cameo! You can't have a Star Wars film without 3PO and R2! You just can't! Those two are central to the Star Wars franchise and I think they really cool to have! Kay (the droid in Rogue One) was OK, but no droid beats 3PO and R2! 

So overall, this film is A MUST-SEE FOR ANY STAR WARS FAN! The action was great, the story was good and the characters were good. Since they brought a Clone Wars character on board for this film, I'd like to see a character from Rebels in the next one, mainly Kanan or Ezra or even Jeb! Thanks for reading this post and go see Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, now playing as of this post! 

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