Sunday, June 19, 2016

DB Reviews- Now You See Me 2

Hello once again! It's me, DB, and today, I'm gonna give you my review of Now You See Me 2, the sequel to last year's hit film Now You See Me. This review does contain spoilers, so if you haven't seen the film first, stop reading and go see it! Then, you can come back here to read my review. 

The image is from Wikipedia. 

In this film, the now famous Horsemen must stop Owen Case from stealing everybody's data via his new software. They have to deal with new baddies (including one played by Daniel Radcliff) and put their nemesis (played by Michael Caine) back behind bars. 

I like this plot, even though it had more twists and turns then a roller coaster ride. I do think those twists and turns are what made this plot good. It's a movie about magic, and with magic, you never know what could happen! This film had one surprise after another! If you haven't seen the first film however, then you may want to see that one, well, first. That way, you'll get more of a sense of what's going on during the second film. If you see this film before the first one, then you'll get confused a lot! 

The acting in this film was good. I thought that Jesse Eisenburg was much better in the role of Atlas then the role of Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman. He's more serious in this role, which I think suits him better then his wacky version of Luthor. I would like to see him in more roles like Atlas in the future. 

Woody Harrelson can now add "hypnotist" to his acting resume. The audio effect for his character when he's hypnotizing someone was really good. Also, the writers came up with some great lines for his character to use when he hypnotizes someone. 

I agree with my mom in saying that Daniel Radcliffe was a bit out of his element in this movie. He's more of a Harry Potter kinda guy then a Voldemort kinda guy in my opinion. I know he's trying new roles to improve his action repertoire, but I think he should stick to what I think he's good at and that's playing more teen heart throb action roles like Harry Potter. 

The effects were awesome in this film! Not only was the audio effect for Harrelson's character good, like I mentioned before, but the effect for Eisenburg's final solo trick was excellent too! The people that added that effect that stopped the rain into the trick did an awesome job! I also think the finale was well done too! That plane trick even had me fooled! I could see David Copperfield do a replica of that trick during one of his shows. Speaking of which, I was thinking. Did they have any actual magicians on set to help them with all the tricks? I wonder...

Overall, I give this film 4 stars. It's not as good as the 1st one, but it's still very good! I highly recommend this film to any fans of Eisenburg, Harrelson, or magic in general. I hope they make a 3rd installment soon, cause I'd like to see that! 

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