Saturday, May 6, 2017

DB Reviews- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Image from ComingSoon.

Hello, all my fellow Marvel heroes and heroines! It's me, DB and I'm back to bring you my review of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 This review does contain spoilers, so if you don't want to be spoiled while reading this, please stop reading it and go see the movie first. Then, you can come back to read this to know what my take on the movie is.

First off, the Guardians are back in an all new adventure! After stealing some very important "batteries" from an alien race, the Guardians are saved by Peter Quill's father (played by Kurt Russell). There, Peter learns of his heritage...and he learned that his father killed his mother! Yeah, he didn't like that too much! That lead to a HUGE battle between the alien race who wanted their batteries back, the Guardians (along with a few others, including Peter's other father) and Peter's biological father.

To me, this movie didn't get off on the right foot. I think the jokes were bad here, even worse than mine! That was the big turnoff for me. THEY NEED BETTER JOKES!

Chris Pratt reprised his role as Peter Quill (aks Starlord). I think he's ok in the role, although this role is still not my favorite Marvel MCU character. I think he needs to "buff up" his game a little for this character.

Dave Bautista (who we WWE fans know as Bastista) returned as Drax. This character is a destroyer, but he needs more things to destroy! In this role, Bastista needs to unleash his Animal form like he did in the WWE! However, it seems like he's accepted his role as part of this team, or this family as he called it.

Zoe Saldana reprises her role as Gamora. I think Mrs. Saldana is still a good pick for this role. She's fierce when she needs to be and Zoe does a good job showcasing that fierceness in the character.

Bradley Cooper has returned as Rocket Raccon, the hero who stole the batteries in the first place. This raccoon definitely knows his stuff when it comes to weapons and he certainly shows it in this film! I liked the scene where Rocket made the enemies bounce up and down with a gravity defying weapon! Also, the darts in the trees was very clever! The stealing of the batteries, however, was not so much.

Kurt Russell played Ego, Peter's biological father and the main villain in this film. I don't see Mr. Russell as a villain type. He's more of a hero, like he was in Sky High and Escape From New York. That's why I don't think this role fits him very well.

My favorite character in the movie was Baby Groot, voiced by Vin Diesel (who voiced the older, original Groot in the first film). He was cute and he'll trip you up good if you get him mad! Diesel had his voice made to sound like one of the Chipmunks for this role.

Michael Rooker played Yondu, the person that took Peter away from Earth, but raised him like a son. I though he was OK. This movie was a role turn for mr. Rooker's character, turning from a bad pirate to a great father role saving his son from a planet exploding. I thought Mr. Rooker did OK in this role.

I'm a fan of Oldies music, and this movie had plenty of it! The best song that was chosen was Brandy (Such a Fine Girl) in my opinion. So if you're a fan of 70s music, then you may like this movie's soundtrack!

Overall, I give this movie 3 out of 5 stars. At the end, the credits said The Guardians of the Galaxy will be back and they're right. Marvel is planning on making a 3rd film in this franchise. Will the Guardians meet up with the Avengers? Perhaps in Avengers: Infinity Wars. Thanks for reading!

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