Friday, May 5, 2017

DB Reviews- Assassin's Creed

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Hello everyone! It's me, DB and I welcome you to my review of Assassin's Creed, the hit film based off the video game series! This film stars Michael Fassbender of X-Men fame as Cal Lynch/Agular, the films main characters. This review does contain spoilers, so if you don't want to be spoiled yet, please stop reading and go see this movie. It's on iTunes now! Then you can go back to reading this review.

The film's story takes flight in two places, the Abstergo Foundation building (home of the Templars, the Assassin's rivals) and in 1492 Spain, during the Granada Wars. In this film, Fassbender plays two people, both connected by ancestry. He plays Cal Lynch, a convicted suspected murderer who is saved by the Foundation, who forces him to relive the action and adventure moments of his ancester, Agular, also played by Fassbender. Agular was once an Assassin, a part of a secret organization of skilled martial artists  that protected a young prince. They ran their organization by mottos, with the biggest one being "we work in the dark to serve the light". Kinda sounds like Batman, doesn't it?

Later, Cal finds out that the Foundation was part of the Templars, who were searching for a mystical item called the Apple of Eve. According to the movie, the Apple was to contain the code of free will. The Templars wished to use this to eliminate the Assassins once and for all. But, based on his experiences as Agular, Cal learned that he was also a member of the Creed (the Assassins) and, along with his fellow inmates (who were also Assassins members and relative to past Assassins themselves), managed to stop the Templars!

Fassbender plays a double role in this movie. He plays Cal, the suspected murderer who relives the past as Agular (through an item called the Animus, which was a chair in the original games, but a mechanical arm in the movie) who then relied on his Assassins blood to save the day! I thought he was good. A little crazy at times, but still good. I think fans of the video games might like Fassbender as Agular! I won't be surprised if he gets asked to use his voice for the character in future games.

Jeremy Irons was the main Templar villain in this film. His character in this movie was definitely dark, even more darker then his role as Scar in the Lion King. I think the role of the villain definitely suits Mr. Irons well in movies. It definitely suited him in this one! Could we see a future villain in a future Assassin's Creed game? Only fans can decide that!

Marion Cotillard played Sofia. I thought her role was ok. I think that she should not return in a future game.

Brandon Gleeson was in this film, too! He didn't get much screen time. He played Cal's father, a man who needed to kill his wife per the cause of the Creed. You might remember Mr. Gleeson as Alister "Mad Eye" Moody from the Harry Potter series.

I thought the action scenes were great! The stunts were performed very well! I even liked the "Leap of Faith" jump, which was a 125 foot freefall, one of the highest performed by a stunt person in at most 35 years!

The only negative of this film was that a few scenes, to me at least, made the film a little bit of a psychological thriller. I'm not into those kinds of movies because of their style (which is horror), something I don't like at all!

But, overall, I give this film 3 1/2 out of 5 stars, or blades! This is why I called it A FILM TO WATCH! Thanks for reading!

By the way, this film does make references to the original games. Like I mentioned before, it has the Animus, which is originally a chair used in the games. They also added a bunch of weapons that were used in the video game series, like the pistol's from Black Flag and the Bow from Assassin's Creed III.

Does this movie make me want to play the games? Probably not, since I'm not into games that are usually rated M for mature. The same thing goes for Mortal Kombat, though I liked the live-action movie based off that game too!

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