Sunday, July 3, 2016

DB Reviews- The BFG

Hello, movie goers! It's me, DB, and I'm back to bring you another cool review. This time, I'm reviewing the BFG!

Before I get to the review, I must talk about the theater where I went to see this film. The Showcase Cinemas had a brand new style of theater, which was based on those 4D shows you see in theme parks. It's called Showcase MX4D and it's tagline was "Unlock Every Dimension". Boy, does it mean it!

I took this at the theater. 

Whoever thought of bringing the idea of 4D shows into regular theaters was a genius! This made watching the BFG fun! Not only will you see the film in 3D, but you'll also feel the effects (air puffs, water and strobe lights) hard! I recommend you go to your nearest Showcase Cinemas location and try it out! 

Now,on to the review. 

This image came from

First off, let's talk about the story. It's a simple one that's about a young girl who befriends a tall, dream catching giant. That girl teaches the giant to stand up for himself when the bigger giants bully him. I thought that was good, though the beginning could use some work. Younger children could be a bit frightened by the giant in the beginning. 

Also, the girl helps the giant save London, England from an attack by the same bigger giants seen before. He does so by warning the queen by issuing a dream into her head using a trumpet and some visual effects (which I'll talk about later). That part of the story was good, I thought. It kept the movie going and it added a little action to this fantasy tale. Not the blow-up kind of action, but still. 

Next, the acting. I'm not sure if the little girl (Sophie) will get another role, but who knows. I thought Mark Rylance was pretty good as the BFG himself. He was a little nasty in the beginning, but as his character started to become the true BFG, so did he. I think he could line up more work in the future, especially with Disney. 

Now, let's talk about the visual effects of the film. I thought they were stunning! I would not be surprised if this film got an Academy Award nomination for best visual effects. If it does, then I hope it wins! These effects were amazing! Colorful, even and there were plenty of colors used to represent the dreams the giant catches! 

Let's add this to Steven Spielberg's list of better films. It's not as good as ET, but it still fits the bill as a good Spielburg movie! Spielberg has made tons of other films in the past as well, such as Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, and Jaws. I'd say the BFG beats Jurassic Park because I don't like films with blood in them. 

So overall, I'd give this film 4 stars because of the directing and the visual effects, especially the effects! 

Thanks for reading! Catch you for my next review! 

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