Saturday, April 7, 2018

DB Reviews- Ready Player One

Image from Ain't It Cool News. 

Hello! It's me, DB and I'm back to bring you my review of Ready Player One, the newest Steven Spielberg movie that's in theaters as of this post! WARNING: SPOILERS ARE HERE! 

This film's plot is centered in 2045, where people from around the globe are leaving reality and heading into the OASIS, a multi-player world where people can escape and be whoever they want! There, 3 challenges have been made by one of the creators of OAISIS (who has passed on). The first was a race, the 2nd was to play through the movie The Shining (even with the blood gush and the twins) and the 3rd was to play Adventure on the Atari 2600. 

One kid, Wade Watts (aka Parzival in the game), had to play all those challenges and get the secret gold easter egg before the company Innovative Online Industries (aka IOI, though it looked like 101 in the film). He forms the High Five clan with a few other players, all of which he meets both online and in the real world and he falls in love with them. 

I liked the story because it was simple. Hero goes on a grand adventure, falls in love and defeats the bad guys. Simple and easy to follow was this story! BTW, this movie was based off a story itself (a book). 

Tye Sheridan (from The Tree Of Life) played Wade. I thought he did a good job as the hero of this massive online world! His character seemed to have a lot of pop culture knowledge and I thought he brought that knowledge to the big screen well! 

Olivia Cooke played Samatha Cook, aka Art3mus. I could see her doing more love interest roles like the one she did in this movie. She did a good job in this role. 

Simon Pegg (of Mission: Impossible fame) played Ogden Morrow, aka The Curator. His role as Curator certainly fooled me, because he used a different voice. 

The special effects were off the chart! My favorite challenge was the race, the 1st challenge. That race had all sorts of special effects going on! I think that could be made into a for real 3D ride at any theme park, even Universal! The only problem I had with it was (and this is me personally) there was no Mario character to use a Mario Kart in the race! There wasn't even a Mario character at all in the movie, just the mention of MarioKart! 

Speaking of famous video game character, there were a lot of them and a lot of pop culture characters in this movie too! Also, it wasn't just the characters that were used. It was cars, spaceships, anything used to travel in any series that became a pop culture hit. I know Steven Spielberg must have friends in high places because he needed the rights to probably most of these characters to use them. Batman, The Iron Giant, Mobile Suit Gundam and even Marvin The Martian had cameos as playable avatars in this film! 

Plus, there was a good amount of nostalga in this film! When someone ordered pizza at the beginning, the pizza came in a metal box containing the old school Pizza Hut logo! Now that was cool! Also, the Atari 2600 video game system was featured in this film! The only way to see those nowadays is to buy one at a yard sale or have someone show you theirs! 

The game Adventure, the 3rd challenge, featured a secret that players had to find in order to complete the challenge. That secret is a REAL secret, or was a real secret when the game first came out for the Atari 2600. I studied that online. Not only was it a real egg, it was the 1st easter egg ever in a video game! (Thanks, mom). 

Mr. Spielberg did a good job directing this film. I would put this film up on the top tier of his all time greats, like JAWS or Jurassic Park. He good the pop culture down to a science! 

Overall, this was a well made movie! The action was fantastic and the special effects put this movie over the top in a good way! My review: This movie is BETTER THAN "JAWS"! Nice work, Mr. Spielberg! Now that's saying something! 

Thanks for reading! BTW, the Delorean from Back to the Future and the Batmobile from the 1966 Batman series (that starred Adam West and Burt Ward) were both in this movie! 

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