Saturday, August 27, 2016

DB Reviews- Florence Foster Jenkins

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Hello once again! Today, I give you my review of the new film Florence Foster Jenkins, starring Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant. 

This film is about how the singer Florence Foster Jenkins rose to stardom despite her awful singing! 

This film may have awful singing, but I do think the actual Madame Jenkins would approve of Ms. Streep's portrayal of her. I thought Ms. Streep did an OK job singing badly (which she did NOT use her real singing voice). Her character never gave up on her dream to sing and that's something I like in a main character in any movie. I thought Ms. Streep did an OK job portray her characters willingness to never give up on that said dream! 

Hugh Grant looks like James Bond in his costume! He did a good job with his monologues (even thought I don't have the slightest clue which plays were some of his monologues are from). I thought his acting when his character was under pressure to keep the New York Post out of Ms. Jenkins hands was OK. He did a good job playing a timid character, which is a completely different role then the one he has on Big Bang. It's good to see something different out of actors once in a while. 

If you're a Big Bang Theory fan, then you'll probably recognize Simon Helberg, who played the pianist in this film. Boy, can he play! I think the producers of Big Bang should watch this film and consider a scene where Howard Wolowitz (Helberg's character on Big Bang) can play the piano. He was great! Perhaps you can sense a bit of Wolowitz in Helberg's Jenkins character? 

Another great thing about this film is the set design. I've always been a fan of nostalgia and this film didn't disappoint! The sets were brilliantly designed to look like New York City from the early 40s! Whoever supervised the set design should be nominated for an Oscar!  The buildings were great, the streets looked great, even the rooms inside the sets were great! 

The music selection was good too, though I have no idea what any of the song's names were. 


I gave this film 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. The only thing for me is they didn't need to do any scenes with anyone in the bed with their clothes off. That's a private thing! 

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