Friday, July 13, 2018

DB Reviews- The Incredibles 2!

Image copyrighted by Disney Movies

Hello everybody! It's me, DB! I know, it's been a LONGGGGGGGG time since I uploaded a movie review, but I'M BACK BABY! This time, I give you my review of the long awaited sequel to the The Incredibles, Incredibles 2! WARNING: SPOILERS ARE IN THIS POST! So, if you don't want to be spoiled, please stop reading and go see this film! Then, you can come back and read on!

The Incredibles 2 picks up where the Incredibles left off...about 14 years ago! After stopped The Underminer (I know, great villain name, right?), The Incredibles STILL have to lead a normal life without using their powers! They do just that until Elastigirl, Mr. Incredible and Frozone are invited to a secret meeting with the head of a communications company and his sister. They are invited to perform a publicity stunt to help gain trust and support in Supers. Elastigirl is chozen to carry out super hero like missions while Mr. Incredible is babysitting the kids.

Elasigirl saves the day on many occasions, including saving a train that went crazy on the track from crashing! She also had to find out who was behind all the events she was saving people from! That who is a new Disney Supervillain called the Screenslayer!

While she's out saving the day, Mr. Incredible has a pretty hard time with the kids. He tries helping Dash with math, tries to fix things up with Violet (after an incident where she reveals her identity to a boy she was supposed to go to a movie with) and finds out that Jack-Jack has powers! So, he asks Edna Mode (who was disgusted that Elasigirl's suit was made by a competitor) to take care of Jack-Jack. Eventually, he (plus the kids and Frozone) joined Elastigirl on a ship where Supers were to gain legal status! They find and stop the Screenslayer!

First off, I liked this movie a lot! It definitely had the action that the 1st one had! I'm glad Elastigirl got her chance to shine in the spotlight in this one! Perhaps for the 3rd, the story writers will give the kids their chance!

I'm glad the folks at Disney brought back the original voice cast. I thought they were good choices for each character. I know a lot of you will know who voices Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) because you know him from the hit TV series Coach! Holly Hunter, the voice of Elastigirl? She actually had a role in Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice! Plus, Samuel L. Jackson, aka Nick Fury, returns!

I think the Screenslayer was a WAYYYY better villain then Syndrome! He (or should I say She) had the fake voice down and this villain also used something that's very common in today's society, the screens on our TV's and smartphones, to take over peoples minds! That, to me, is perfect crazy supervillain stuff right there! She looked like a darker female version of Iron Man. Speaking of which, I think Screenslayer could've given The Avengers a run for their money! I compared her to Iron Man because she was a genius with tech, just like him!

This film also introduced a group of new Supers, including Voyd, who's powers reminds me of that weapon from the Portal series of video games. Perhaps Disney could do some spinoffs with these new heroes!

The story was good. It was easy to understand what was going on during each scene. All the voices were clearly heard with each character. I liked the writing and I thought the music was good too.

So overall, I thought this movie was one to go see! Was it better than the original, no but it made it to par with the original! My review: This movie was INCREDIBLE! I'm definitely getting it when it hits the stores on Blu-Ray with digital copy! Plus, I think Disney should do an Incredibles crossover with The Avengers! Now that would be fun! Thanks for reading!

Plus, if you work for a newspaper and you want to print this, you have my permission! Also, I liked the scene where Frozone's wife didn't hide his costume!

Also, Edna Mode resembles Hetty from NCIS: Los Angeles, doesn't she?