Saturday, January 20, 2018

DB Reviews- The Post

Image from IMDB

Hello and welcome to my review of The Post! It's me, DB! WARNING: SPOILERS! 

This film takes place around the start of the 1970s, just a few years after the Vietnam War. In this film, The Washington Post, led by America's first woman publisher Kathrine Graham (played by Meryl Streep), is in a race against the New York Times to publish previously top secret government papers that expose US Presidents Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson of lying to the people about the War. She teams up with her editor Ben Bradley (played by Tom Hanks) to bring forth the truth, while risking their careers at the same time! 

That's the story in a nutshell. I thought the story was not bad at all. It can be followed easily once you get what's going on. I like it! 

The movie had an all star cast, let by Streep and Hanks. Meryl Streep plays Mrs. Kathrine Graham, a widowed publisher of The Washington Post, America's first! I thought she was good in this kind of role, since's it's a far cry from her role in Mamma Mia! She has played serious roles before, so this was nothing new to her. Best Actress nod? I don't know, but let's see what the Academy thinks. 

Tom Hanks protrayed Ben Bradley, the editor of the Post. Like Streep, Hanks has the power to play mutiple roles and perform well at them! This role isn't my favorite Hanks character (that honor belongs to Woody and Sully), but he was OK at this one. This character reminded me of the newspaper editor from the Superman franchise. 

Steven Spielgberg directed this film. I give him 2 thumbs up for this one! Will it be as memorable as his other classics, like JAWS, ET or Jurassic Park? I don't know, but it's close! I'd root for him if he got the nod for Best Director in next year's Oscars. 

John Williams, of Star Wars fame, scored the film. Pairing Williams with Spielgberg is like pairing peanut butter with jelly. They just click! I think they might be besties, since Williams also scored Spielberg's other classics, like Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind. 

I've always loved the sets of films that take place around the 60s or 70s. This one is no different! Seeing the classic cars, the buildings the way the looked during that time and the clothes! Speaking of the clothes, I have to give a thumbs up to the costume department! I like what the workers at the printing press of the Post wore, especially the hats! I also liked Streep's and Hank's costumes; I thought they looked very businesslike! Best Costume design nod? That's a definite yes! 

Overall, I give this film 4 out of 5 stars. The only negative that I had was that some of the characters smoked. I don't like smoking at all! My review: A PULITZER PRIZE WINNER! Thanks for reading! 

By the way, if you didn't know this, the Vietnam War was a costly war, one of which that didn't go in our favor. Will this movie change your opinion on JFK, Johnson or Truman? That's for you to decide!