Thursday, November 23, 2017

DB Reviews- Thor: Ragnarok

Image from IMDB

Hello all! It's me, DB and I'm back after a while to bring you another review! I give you my review of Thor: Ragnarok, the 3rd installment of the Thor franchise. WARNING: THIS REVIEW DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS! 

In this film, Thor returns to Asgard to find out that his brother Loki told the people of Asgard about him being a "hero".  After seeing through Loki's tricks, Thor, with Loki, goes in search of his father Odin. They find him just before he passes on. We then are introduced to the main villainess of the story, Hela, who intends to rule Asgard. She breaks Thor hammer, thus sending him to a far away planet, where he meets up with The Hulk and a former Valkyrie and they team up to stop Hela!

I thought that this film was a good film. The story can be confusing at times, with so many twists and turns in it,. But it does get up to it's eventual goal. 

Chris Hemsworth reprises his role as Thor, God of Thunder. I think Marvel made a good choice in casting Hemsworth for this role. He's lived up to the Thor hype so far. He has the language and humor of Thor down pat! I also liked his new look in this film. It makes him look like a more modern Thor. However, I also still like the long, wavy hair. Thank you, Stan Lee, for that haircut! 

Mark Ruffalo reprises his Avengers role as the Hulk. I like that Marvel is continuing to add other heroes to films in different franchises. They did that with Spider-Man: Homecoming and now they've done it in this film as well. I think Ruffalo makes a pretty good Hulk. I'm glad they added in more lines for the Hulk to say in this film. Plus, I felt that this Hulk's voice was better then Ed Norton's version's voice. 

Tom Hiddleston is back as Loki, the god of mischief and Thor's brother. I feel like this role is the role in which Hiddleston will be remembered by, like Christopher Reeve's Superman or Daniel Radcliffe's Harry Potter. Once people see him, they'll think "That's Loki". Hiddleston's Loki is pretty good. He's got the Loki lingo down! 

Cate Blanchett did a fantastic job as Hela! I liked her attitude with the character. She was definitely a Marvel Villainess! I also liked her costume. It reminded me of Maleificent from Sleeping Beauty. 

The special effects were great. I thought that Thor's glowing eyes were cool, yet creepy at the same time, just like WWE's The Undertaker. The action was pretty solid, too! 

I felt that when Thor faced the Hulk in that planet that was run by Jeff Goldblum, that fight was more like a promo for Marvel's Contest of Champions mobile game. I would've given that game physical product placement instead of doing a fight like this. 

Overall, I enjoyed this film. My review: 4 HAMMERS UP! Thanks for reading!