Monday, September 4, 2017

DB Reviews- Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Image from Rotten Tomatoes

Hey all! It's me, DB, once again! I'm bringing you yet another cool movie review! This time, I review the classic sci-fi hit Close Encounters of the Third Kind. This movie is celebrating it's 40th anniversary this year! WARNING: DON'T READ THIS BLOG BEFORE YOU SEE THIS MOVIE! THIS BLOG CONTAINS SPOILERS! 

I did mention that this is a sci-fi, but I think this movie had a little bit of everything in it! It had some horror scenes, adventure scenes, even a little bit of comedy! I think that everyone should see this movie! If you're a horror fan, sci-fi fan or whatever fan, you should see this! 

I loved the India scenes! I thought they were well shot! The use of the sand effect in the beginning of the movie  was good. The singing in the middle of the film was ok too. 

I didn't like Richard Dreyfuss's character in the beginning. I didn't like the way he treated his family in this film. But, his character was the hard working man who had his life changed when he first saw a UFO! The change was definitely needed! 

That was the basic story and I like stories like that. They're easy to follow. Mr. Spielberg did a good job writing this one! 

I LOVED THE FINALE! The finale with the HUGE spaceship (bigger width wise then Independence Day's ship) was a cool light show! This is a scene that could definitely be done as a show in a major theme park. Perhaps Universal Studios could do a show like this! (They do have a ride based off of Spielberg's hit ET, so why not do one of Close Encounters?) 

The score was good too. John Williams (yep, that guy that did the Star Wars score) was brought on to score this film. I liked that fact that he did an entire song based off of just 5 notes. These 5 notes would bring him more fame and are 5 of the most recognized notes in Hollywood history! I like John William's work as a whole, not for just this film, but for the other films he did too, like Star Wars! 

The person I mentioned before is none other than Mr. Steven Spielberg himself! He directed this film. You know him as the guy behind Jurassic Park, Raiders of the Lost Ark, JAWS and ET! This was one of his 1st films as a director and we know he would have a legendary career at doing just that! In  my opinion: You should get this guy to direct your film! He is fantastic! I like this and a couple other movies that he did (Raiders and ET). 

Overall, this was a fantastic film! The story was easy to follow, the scenes were great (especially India) and Mr. Spielberg added a bit of everything to this film, from horror to action to sci fi, etc! My review of this film (for those of you who are working on the Blu-Ray release of this film, you can use this line) is: THIS IS INDEPENDENCE DAY BEFORE INDEPENDENCE DAY! It was THAT DARN GOOD! Thanks for reading! 

Happy 40th, Close Encounters!