Monday, April 17, 2017

DB Reviews- Beauty and the Beast 2017

Image from Trailer Addict


Disney's classic tale as old as time gets a live action remake! It's me, DB and I welcome you to my review of Disney's Beauty and the Beast! Set in a small village outside of Paris, this movie tells the tale of how a prince turned into a beast, how he had to earn the love of a beautiful girl who loves books and how a curse was broken. This beast had to learn to love this girl and earn her love in return before the last petal of an enchanted rose fell. 

I loved the animated version when I was a kid and the live action version, to me, was just as AWESOME! The effects were really great, the story was on point with a few new things added to the mix, the actors were good and even the music was good too! 

Emma Watson did a good job portraying Belle, the beautiful Disney Princess that loves books. I think Mrs. Watson does very well in movies that involve enchanted things (remember her role as Hermoine in Harry Potter?). Her singing voice wasn't that great, but her acting was! 

Dan Stevens did a good job too as the Beast! The Beast needed to have emotions throughout the film and I thought Mr. Stevens did a good job portraying those emotions as the movie progressed. The Beast, at first, was a frightening thing, but as the movie played through, he was supposed to start feeling love and happiness and I thought Mr. Stevens did a good job acting all those emotions out on screen. I even like his song "Evermore", one of the new songs featured in the film. 

Luke Evans was Gaston in this film. He did a good job because he brought a darker version of the Disney Villain to the live action scene, something that some of you might think was needed for this character. I liked that too, though I have to say my favorite dark Disney villain is Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty. 

Josh Gad, of Frozen fame, played LaFou. LaFou is Gaston's sidekick. I've heard the news about Gad's character being being gay in this film.  I don't mind it at all! I can see it all through out the film when Gad was on screen. His singing voice is ok, given the fact that he already has a few Disney songs under his belt in Frozen. 

Kevin Kline was even in this! He played Maurice, Belles eccentric father. I liked it. I learned that he's known for his eccentric roles, so this fits him perfectly! 

Ewan McGregor did a good Lumiere, the living candelabra. He had a higher pitched French accent, which was different then his animated counterpart. I liked that. His version of "Be Our Guest" was more spoken then sung. I didn't like that as much, but the special effects during the song was amazing! 

Sir Ian McKellen was the voice of Cogsworth, the clock. His performance of this character was definitely different then the animated counterpart. He gave him a deeper voice in the live action remake. I thought it was good. 

Emma Thompson protrayed Mrs. Potts. I thought she was the best of all. Her voice sounded great for the character. Not quite Angela Lansbury (who boycotted the film because she thought it was not a good idea), but still great! 

I definitely liked that Disney added some new things to this film that were not in the original film. They gave us a new character (Maestro, played by Stanley Tucci), a few new songs and more story that we didn't see in the original. I think that some of those new parts were definitely needed! 

For example, I think that the story of what happened to Belles mother was needed! However, this involved a very dark and very real part of France's history. This took place during the period of time that the film was based in. This is called the Black Plague (or Black Death, according to Wikipedia), which took place during the 1330s. Belle's mom, unfortunately, caught the deadly disease and passed away.   

For the music, I would say the best new song is "Days in the Sun", which replaced "Human Again" in this film. The best song performed from the original film that was featured in the remake was "The Mob Song". I thought Mr. Evans had the good chops for this song! I would nominate "Days in the Sun" and "Evermore" for best original song adapted for visual media! "Gaston" was not too bad. Thompson's version of the title song wasn't bad either, though I still like Lansbury's version better. 

The story was brilliant! Is was definitely on par with the animated version! The costumes were good as well as the sets! 

Overall, and I repeat, BEST FILM I'VE SEEN IN YEARS! I can't wait till it comes out on Blu-Ray and Digital! I definitely recommend that you bring your family to see it! You could even see it twice, three times, or a million times! 

Should this film get a nomination for Best Picture? I say, a million time, YES! Best Actress for Emma Watson? I would say OK! 

Thanks for reading! 

UPDATE: This film was NOT the first to feature both Watson and Thompson. They co-starred together as Professor Trelawney and Hermoine Granger in the Harry Potter films.