Thursday, March 9, 2017

DB Reviews- Captain America: Civil War

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Hello everyone! It's me, DB, and after many months, I'm finally able to bring you my review of Captain America: Civil War! WARNING: This review does contain spoilers! So, if you don't want to be spoiled yet, stop reading this and go see the movie. Then you can come back to read this. 

I gotta say, I LOVED THIS FILM! The story was great! I know Marvel did not intend to use any parts of the original Civil War comic book story line, but I noticed references to it during the film. For example, the Slovakia Accords are the MCU (that's Marvel Ciinematic Universe) version of the Superhero Registration Act. Also, the Scarlet Witch destroying a building is reference to the school exploding at the beginning of the Civil War story in the comics. I thought that the writers of this film did a great job taking the Civil War comic story and making it their own in the film.  

The acting was good too. Chris Evans and Robert Downey, Jr reprised their roles as Captain America and Iron Man. I felt that they were good choices when they were chosen to play the roles in their hero's respective franchises. In fact, everyone in this film did a good job! Almost everyone that had roles already in the MCU came back to play them again in this film! Plus, I can't wait to see Tom Holland's Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Homecoming later this year! 

The action was great! With a Marvel movie, you have to have fantastic action/special effects scenes and lots of them! This movie did not disappoint in either! It had tons of action! 

I know this review was short, but I didn't have much time to make it. 

Overall, I give this film 5 out of 5 stars! The story was great, the action was fantastic and the actors did well. 

On a side note, I do like how Marvel intertwines their movies with their TV series. What I mean is, Marvel adds elements of their latest movie into episodes of their hit TV shows, like Agents of SHIELD, which I'm a HUGE fan of! I even met Elizabeth Henstrige and Brett Daulton once! I like that! 

Anyway, thanks for reading!