Saturday, November 5, 2016

DB Reviews- Marvel's Doctor Strange

Image from Screen Rant

Hey, true believers! It's me, DB! I haven't been blogging for a while now, but I'm back with my review of Marvel Studio's Doctor Strange! WARNING: This review does contain spoilers. So if you haven't seen the film yet when you're reading this, please stop reading and go see it, then you can come back to read!

So, this film tells the story of Doctor Stephan Strange, a neurosurgeon who loses his hands in a car accident. He wants to get them fix quickly so he could get back to doing what he does best, fixing people! Along the way, he learns that a patient at his hospital magically walks again after being paralyzed. Dr. Strange then ventures out to find the person that helped this man in hopes of healing his hands. He found so much more then just the healing touch! He found that he was needed to save the world from a magical threat.

Now, my review:

I thought the story was ok. It's a run of the mill story about how a superhero came to be. That hero loses something, but gains powers in return. That's Marvel's way of telling an origin story. Dr. Strange lost his hands, and almost the one he loves, but gains his power through sorcery and magic when he tries to find someone who can heal him.

Benedict Cumberbatch protrayed a great Dr. Strange! You may know this actor from other hit films such as the Imitation Game. You may also know him as Sherlock! I think he brought a little of his Sherlock side to the role of the Sorcerer Supreme, which is a good thing to me. He made his point when he needed too during a few scenes. He also brought a little humor to the role. That's something that I think Marvel needs to do more often, have their main hero or heroin bring a little humor into their roles. Cumberbatch definitely did just that!

Benedict Wong played Wong. It's not common to see an actor portray a role who shares the same name with the actor. Wong's Wong wasn't the normal Wong from the comics. He was more of a demanding keeper of the books. I think Wong did a good Wong.

Tilda Swinton did a good job portraying the Ancient One. She was focused and wise, a poise needed for this role. Even though it was revealed  that she got her immortality through the Dark Realm, she did a good job hiding it till the time was right when the big reveal occurred.

The best part of this film was the special effects! No one can do special effects like Marvel! The people behind the scenes working on the effects of this movie did a tremendous job! The effects were a big part of the film. They needed to be, since most of Dr, Strange's adventures contain a lot of spells and powerful magic! I thought the scene where there was 3 cities instead of 1 reminded me of the Pokemon card Parallel City. The action was fantastic too, as well as the martial arts!

Overall, I'm very pleased with how Doctor Strange turned out! The story was ok, the action and effects were awesome and Cumberbatch and Wong were good. That, to me, is the making of a hit film! With this film, consider my MIND BLOWN! Thanks for reading! You should go see this film if you haven't already!

BTW, that Cloak of Levitation was AWESOME! That cloak can kick some serious butt!